I realized today that many teachers are not aware of Quiz Star (which is one of my favorite teaching tools!)
We use Quiz Star in our classroom AT LEAST once a week, usually more!
Quiz Star is a FREE online test site. Create an account (super easy) and create all the tests you want. There is a teacher login for you and a student login that you will create for each of your students. After, you set up your students, they can go in and take the quizzes you have created. It tells them their score immediately and you, as the teacher, will also know immediate scores.
I will be honest, the first year was a bit time consuming. Entering all the test questions does take time. But I figured I was making up that time by not having to grade tests. This year has been a breeze because the tests are already created in my account.
Give it a try! You will become immediately addicted!
Give it a try! You will become immediately addicted!
Now on to Friday Flash Freebie!!!!!!
How many times a day does a student come to your desk and ask you how to spell something? And how many times do you swear you taught them how to spell that word just last week? Sounds familiar to some of ya, right????
Here is my Spelling Dictionary. I made these for the beginning of 4th grade and they get passed on to 5th grade at the end of the year.
There is one page for each letter of the alphabet. Students can ask me to spell any word they want, but they have to their spelling dictionary with them and opened to the correct page. That way, if it is a word they already have asked about, it will be right there on that page.
This is free for a short time, so click on the picture and hop on over to my TpT store today!