Monday, September 24, 2012

Great Tip!!!!

So, you know the posters and bulletins boards and file folders and everything else that you laminate or cover with contact paper to ensure that it lasts longer?????  Did you know that you can write on these with permanent marker and then later take that marker off quite easily???  I did NOT know this, and for years have been using dry erase markers on these types of materials.  But we all know that dry erase marker does not withstand constant usage.  Well, a friend of mine recently shared with me that if you write on lamination or plastic coverings with permanent marker, you can later go over it with dry erase marker and it will wipe right off!  TRUE STORY!!!!  I purchased some old bulletin boards from this same friend and she had written on some of them in permanent marker.  
I went over it with dry erase and it came right off - permanent marker that had been there for over a year!  If you don't believe me...try it on the back of one of your bulletin boards!  You will be hooked!

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