Friday, October 5, 2012

Pumpkin and Harvest Unit

This week we kicked off our Harvest Unit focusing mostly on pumpkins.  
I was lucky enough to have a couple students donate pumpkins and gourds from their gardens...enough for two for each student.  So as we read our pumpkin books, we compared our pumpkins and gourds to each other and what the book was telling us.

 We described our class pumpkin through drawing and words.  We estimated the circumference of the big class pumpkin using yarn (the orange is each student's estimate and the green is the actual).

 We estimated the weight of our pumpkin and compared the weight of our own pumpkin to the weight of ourselves by allowing each student to pick up the pumpkin.

 We even put together a pumpkin number center.

Finally, it was time to carve into the pumpkin!

 Each child was encouraged to stick their hand in the pumpkin, feel it, smell it, grab some seeds (which we used below!).  They loved it!!!!!  Then we showed what the inside of the pumpkin looked like by using the seeds and yarn.

 We decorated our pumpkin pies!

And then we had fun talking about feelings with our Jack poem!

To download this unit, click here!


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