Thursday, October 23, 2014

Our Rocks & Minerals Unit...and a Friday Flash Freebie

We just wrapped up our Rocks & Minerals Unit and I wanted to share how much the kiddos learned this past quarter.  

They started off examining and classifying rocks.

Then we researched the different ways that rocks can be classified!

Then we reviewed!

We learned about the 3 Main Types of Rocks...Sedimentary, Igneous, and Metamorphic. What makes them similar and different from each other?  How are they formed?
Then, we moved onto the Rock Cycle!

Each student brought in a pet rock.  They examined and performed little experiments on their pet rock.

Like does it float in water?

And what scratches our rocks?

And how much does it weigh?

Then we put together a rock collection!

Next came fossils...which they REALLY enjoyed!

We uncovered facts about the four main types of fossils:  mold, cast, true form, and trace.

Then we made Trioramas showing what we learned!

We even did some archaeological digging of our own!

We wrapped up the unit by learning a bit about weathering and erosion and the various events that can change the earth's surface quickly.

Like volcanoes!

So, for a few short days, the Friday Flash Freebie is going to be Rockin' with Rocks & Minerals which includes all of the above activities plus some.

It also includes the Power Point with the notes that go along with this unit.  Enjoy!

 Happy Friday!
Enjoy your Freebie!

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