Thursday, January 22, 2015

Great Graphing Projects

We have been graphing stars this week!

This is the first time I have ever done this project with 4th graders.  In the past,I had done it with 5th and 6th graders.   So, I simplified the project just a bit and the kiddos did a super job!

We spent about a week planning our surveys, completing our surveys, and then creating graphs for our results.   

The final result is a bulletin board of Graphing Greatness!

Here are a few examples!  

They were asked to make a cover for their project.


They needed to create a Frequency Table with their survey results.

Then they were asked to create a bar graph...


a Circle graph...

 a Line graph...

and a Pictograph.

These 4th Graders are Graph Experts now! 

This weeks Friday Flash Freebie is this Graphing Unit.  

This is a printable project activity for your students to complete after they are finished studying about Graphs. It includes 11 pages:
Page 1 - Student Instructional Sheet
Page 2 - Survey
Page 3 - Frequency Table Template
Page 4 - Line Plot Template
Page 5 - Pictograph Template
Page 6 - Bar Graph Template
Page 7 - Circle (Pie) Graph Template
Page 8 - Line Graph Template
Page 9 - Stem and Leaf Plot Template
Page 10 - Histogram Template
Page 11 - Grading Rubric

I put all these pages together in this order into a packet that I handed out and explained to the students. I then displayed their final projects. Great Final Graphing Project. I also have a PowerPoint presentation that I used that covers all these graphs.

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