
I don't get much money to spend on my classroom, so what I put into my classroom as far as decor and organization is usually things I find second hand or I create myself (often from ideas found on Pinterest)!

I asked my students what their favorite part of the classroom was and it was split pretty evenly between our Hot Shots board and our Book Corner.  So this is where I am going to start!

Hot Shots is our Homework Reward Game.  Every Friday, any student who has not had any late assignments gets to spin and earn a reward.  This is a HUGE hit amongst my 4th graders!

The Book Corner is also a favorite spot!  Every day after lunch, we have 15 minutes of D.E.A.R (Drop Everything And Read) Time.  The students are allowed to sit pretty much wherever they want in the room and they are allowed to sprawl out and get comfortable.  After all, there is nothing better then being comfy while reading your favorite book!

Here is our Book Corner.  I will be honest, I have a student librarian who is in charge of keeping the Book Corner tidy, but it is not always perfect.  And I am okay with that.  I would rather have a Book Corner that is constantly used by the students and can sometimes get untidy than a perfect and tidy Book Corner that the students never touch.  

The books in the baskets on the shelves are arranged by genre.

Every morning we take a snack and milk break.  The kiddos bring their own snack and then they have the option of getting milk.  Here is our milk, snack, and lunch board.

 One of my favorite parts of the classroom is our Ticket Out The Door.  At the beginning of the year I give each child a pad of sticky notes.  Then every day I write a question that reviews something we have been learning and students need to write their answer down on a sticky note and put it on their numbered spot.  That is their ticket out the door!
This idea came from!

I have to share my new favorite organizational cabinet.  I got this idea and the printables from  So cute and makes my life much easier when I'm organized!

 I switched up my Birthday Bulletin Board this year.  To make it easier to keep track of birthdays and the goodie bags I hand out, I made my bulletin board interactive.  The top "ticket" is meant to be pulled off on the day we are celebrating your birthday and turned in for the goodie bag.  

Each week I send home a weekly newsletter.  I email it to the parents so they know what we have been doing in the classroom. This is also a great way to keep them updated on important dates, recognize students, and share a list of classroom needs.  This year I decided to print these newsletters out and post them in the classroom so the students can see what their parents see.


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